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What we're learning....

Blue 5

  1. hens

  2. bikes

  3. played

  4. jumping

  5. names

Blue 10

  1. hens

  2. bikes

  3. played

  4. jumping

  5. names

  6. bells

  7. spilled

  8. sleds

  9. snakes 

  10. rolling

Green 10

  1. stamps

  2. dresses 

  3. licked

  4. hoping

  5. planes

  6. flies

  7. bored

  8. moving

  9. cheered

  10. singing

Green 15 

  1. stamps

  2. dresses 

  3. licked

  4. hoping

  5. planes

  6. flies

  7. bored

  8. moving

  9. cheered

  10. singing

  11. tunes

  12. growling

  13. animals

  14. smiled

  15. passes

Yellow 10

  1. biscuits

  2. composes

  3. grinning

  4. judged

  5. sandwiches

  6.  bicycling

  7. answered

  8. sketches

  9. cruising

  10. whipped

Yellow 15 

  1. biscuits

  2. composes

  3. grinning

  4. judged

  5. sandwiches

  6.  bicycling

  7. answered

  8. sketches

  9. cruising

  10. whipped

  11. pretzels

  12. drumming

  13. animated

  14. patterns

  15. erasing


-finish lesson 4: Draw and Use Bar Graphs and Picture Graphs

-start lesson 5: 2-step word problems

Language Arts:  

-week 5:How can a new place help us change and grow?


-Personal narratives-edit first draft

-writing in complete sentences



-STEM activity -practice working together as a team  

Social Studies: 

-Wants vs. Needs 

Next Spelling Test

-s, -es, -ed, -ing

Date:Wednesday, Oct 16th 

SEL-(Social Emotional Learning):Integrated daily

-I observe the students interacting, take notes, and see where the need is. Next, I create and embed lessons into our day to support their SEL learning. These will be ongoing topics we come back to throughout the school year. 

Topics retaught/revisited throughout the year: How to show and be respectful, what rules are why we should follow them, tools to use to stay calm, when to recognize that they need a break and how to take it, how to be a "bucket filler," be the nice kid, and SO many other important topics that students need to be successful in this world. 



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